Compliant with EU regulation no. 2016/679

1. Data Controller is CIPIERRE SRL with registered office in Via Massimi, 154 – 00136 Rome, operative site 1 located in Via Tazio Nuvolari, 12 – 00011 Tivoli Terme (RM) and operative site 2 located in via Luigi Einaudi, 3 –  00012 Guidonia Montecelio (RM) Tel. 0774378635 – 0774355590 – 0774358073 – Fax 0774379924 PI 01430811008 CF 05672500583 REA 517990 – PEC

His personal data will be processed by Cipierre employees and collaborators who are part of the Administrative, Marketing, Technical functions. As part of the aforementioned functions, the sector managers also hold the position of data processing manager. All Cipierre employees and other persons who, on the basis of the consents expressed by you, have access to your data, operate under the direct authority of the respective Data Processors, are appointed persons in charge of the processing of personal data according to the regulatory provisions in force and they have received, in this regard, adequate operating instructions.

Any information related to the processing of your personal data can be requested via email at the following address; PEC:

2. Purpose of the processing
“We collect and process necessary and relevant data in relation to the purpose of the processing”
The purpose establishes that the processing of personal data is legitimate in relation, in fact, to the purpose of the processing itself. The data must be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and then processed in a manner compatible with that purpose. Establishing the purposes of the processing, and making them explicit in communications to the interested party, helps to understand what is really necessary and not to collect unnecessary data.


3. Our principles
We are committed every day to protecting your privacy, which together with security and compliance with the laws on the protection of personal data is central to us in the relationship with our customers.


4. Personal data we may collect about you (Collection). The personal data we collect and how we collect it, depends on the products and services you purchase or activate, how you use them and how you interacted with Cipierre even if you are not a customer. In some case we may receive them from third parties, if you have given your consent to share them.


a. Cipierre processes your personal data to:

  • execute the contract such as eg. a sale and manage your requests, including – for example – credit checks,
  • its legitimate interests, such as fraud prevention, credit risk protection, maintaining security and improving the quality of services.
  • fulfill a legal obligation, by order of a public authority,provide additional services with respect to the execution of the contract, for example to send you commercial communications. In this case Cipierre asks you for an express consent which will be optional and which you can revoke at any time, even after the termination of the contractual relationship.

b. When we can collect your personal data

We can collect them when:

  • you buy or use one of our products or services
  • contact us for information or support through our assistance / social channels
  • you subscribe to our website newsletter
  • contact us from the form (request for information) of our website
  • when you contact us via social networks eg. Facebook, Instagram etc.,
  • We use cookies (small text files in your browser) when you browse our site. For more details on them and how to disable them, consult our website, in the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy section


  1. Types of data that we can process
  2. Information such as your name, address, telephone number, company name, email
  3. Financial information about your credit or debit card or checking account or other banking information, if you choose these payment methods for our products or services
  4. Data deriving from cookies, and other similar technologies. For further details, consult our Cookies Policy section of the website
  5. Data on your location, if you have given your consent to deactivate them, consult our Cookies Policy section of the website
  6. Browsing history. If you have given your consent through cookies or other channels. For further details, consult our Cookies Policy section of the website
  7. Information obtained through access to the information systems of authorized companies that provide services for credit risk management and fraud control


  1. How we share your personal data

We can share information about you, within the limits of the processing consents expressly issued by you and in general:

  • partners or agents appointed to sell and deliver the products and services you have purchased or activated
  • companies that provide services for credit risk management and fraud control (such as data processing centers, banks, risk centers, credit recovery companies, law firms)
  • law enforcement agencies, government bodies, regulatory bodies, courts or other public authorities authorized by law
  • emergency services (in the event of an emergency call – so-called NUE112), including the certification office of the services
  • business partners, in the event of the launch of joint promotions / offers, who are in any case responsible for compliance with applicable privacy laws
  • companies that carry out on behalf of CIPIERRE services for the acquisition, processing and processing of the data necessary for the use of the services
  • companies that provide CIPIERRE with services for the management of its information system
  • studies and companies in the field of assistance and consulting relationships
  • banking institutions and credit card companies.

These subjects operate as Data Controllers or Managers who are appointed from time to time by Cipierre.


  1. Mergers and acquisitions

In the event of mergers and acquisitions, your data may be transferred to the company resulting from the merger or to the buyer of our organization. You will still receive an information.


  1. Third parties we work with

In the event that you have purchased products or activated services Cipierre will be able to use your data as third parties such as for “Goods Shipments”, it may be necessary to exchange information with these subjects, for example to identify your order / shipment. If we have a contract with a third party provider who offers services on our behalf and who may have access to your data, that person may only process them to provide you with the requested services. These suppliers are appointed as personal data processing managers and have signed a specific agreement on the subject with Cipierre.


  1. Transfer of your data abroad

Data processing takes place within the territory of the Italian Republic.


  1. How long do we keep your data

We keep your data for the time required by law. If there are no legal requirements, we will do so in a manner consistent with the purposes of their collection and with the consents you have given us.

The following table indicates the storage terms in relation to the main treatments carried out by Cipierre.

Administrative, accounting and tax purposes Up to 10 years after the termination of the supply of Cipierre services
Retention purposes provided for by legal obligations (for example the legal prescription of rights Up to 10 years after the termination of the supply of the Cipierre services
Purpose for sending information Until revocation
Purpose for sending newsletters Until revocation
  1. How we protect your data

We protect your personal data with specific technical and organizational security measures, aimed at preventing your personal data from being used illegitimately or fraudulently. In particular, we use security measures that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, availability of your data as well as the resilience of the systems and services that process them.


  1. Your rights

In relation to the data subject to the processing referred to in this information, the interested party is recognized, at any time, in compliance with the provisions of the various articles of the GDPR, the right to:

  • Access (Article 15);
  • Correction (Article 16);
  • Cancellation (Article 17);
  • Limitation (Article 18);
  • Portability, understood as the right to obtain from the data controller the data in a structured format of common use and readable by an automatic device to transmit them to another data controller without impediments (Article 20);
  • Opposition to processing (Article 21);
  • Withdrawal of consent to processing, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent acquired before the withdrawal (Article 7, paragraph 3);
  • Submit a complaint to the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (Article 51)

In the absence of express revocation, we use your consent even after the termination of the service / contractual relationship.

The exercise of the aforementioned rights can be exercised by written communication to be sent to;  or by certified email to;


  1. To find out what cookies are and how to manage them

To know all the details about cookies and find out how to disable them, consult our Cookies Policy section of the website;


  1. To contact us and to make a report


  1. To contact the Privacy Guarantor

You can contact the Guarantor through the methods;


Last update 25 may 2018



I cookies sono piccoli file di testo generati dai siti web che mantengono i dati della sessione di navigazione dell’utente al fine di semplificare le procedure di “caricamento” dei contenuti del sito ad un eventuale successivo nuovo accesso. Tali file permettono al sito di mantenere le informazioni della “navigazione” tra le pagine web ed anche di analizzare il modo in cui il “visitatore” interagisce con il sito. In termini generali ed in condizioni normali, i cookies sono sicuri – possono soltanto conservare l’informazione che viene inserita dal browser, relativa all’accesso nel browser stesso o che è inclusa nella pagina richiesta; essi non possono trasformarsi in codici malevoli ne essere utilizzati per accedere abusivamente al computer o altro dispositivo utilizzato per la navigazione. Possono distinguersi due differenti categorie di cookies utilizzati per scopi differenti e deputati a contenere informazioni diverse.


  • I Session Cookies (o cookies di sessione) contengono l’informazione che viene utilizzata nella vostra sessione corrente del browser e vengono automaticamente cancellati alla chiusura del browser. Con ciò si intende che nulla viene conservato sul dispositivo utilizzato dal “visitatore” oltre il tempo di utilizzazione del sito.
  • I Persistent Cookies (o cookies persistenti) hanno lo scopo di mantenere in memoria il dato immagazzinato al fine di utilizzarlo per i diversi e successivi accessi al sito web al fine di consentire al sito stesso di riconoscere il cliente/visitatore e semplificarne l’interazione con i contenuti del sito. Tali cookies hanno una durata variabile, da pochi minuti a diversi anni, a seconda delle impostazioni del sito stesso. Per ulteriori dettagli è possibile consultare la documentazione in materia disponibile sul sito del Garante per la Protezione dei dati Personali


Cookies Policy del sito:

Non viene fatto uso di cookies* per la trasmissione di informazioni di carattere personale; il loro utilizzo (quali c.d. cookies di sessione) è strettamente limitato alla trasmissione di identificativi di sessione necessari per consentire l’esplorazione sicura ed efficiente del sito e diretto ad evitare il ricorso ad altre tecniche informatiche maggiormente invasive e potenzialmente pregiudizievoli per la riservatezza della navigazione degli utenti. Vengono, altresì, impiegati cookies c.d. persistenti che rimangono memorizzati sul disco rigido del computer fino alla loro scadenza o cancellazione da parte degli utenti/visitatori al solo fine di consentire una più immediata ed agevole procedura di riconoscimento automatico degli utenti/visitatori ad un successivo accesso. Resta piena facoltà degli utenti/visitatori di impostare specifiche politiche di gestione dei cookies sul proprio client. Ferme restando le limitazioni che dette impostazioni possono generare in termini di accessibilità al sito e/o a suoi specifici contenuti. CIPIERRE è estranea all’operatività dei “cookies di terze parti”, il cui funzionamento rientra nella responsabilità di tali terze parti e la cui trasmissione sul client dell’utente/visitatore dipende dalla presenza di contenuti (per es. mappe, link, etc.) che rimandano a risorse Internet (siti e/o server) estranei alla sfera di gestione e responsabilità della CIPIERRE SRL.


Abilitazione/disabilitazione dei cookie sul browser in utilizzo

Modificando le impostazioni del browser, puoi accettare o rifiutare i cookie o decidere di ricevere un messaggio di avviso prima di accettare un cookie dai siti Web visitati. Vale, tuttavia, ricordare che la disabilitazione completa dei cookie nel browser in utilizzo può potenzialmente comportare l’impossibilità di utilizzo di alcune o tutte le funzionalità interattive del sito.


* I Cookies o marcatori sono pacchetti di informazioni inviate da un web server (es. il sito) al browser Internet dell’utente, da quest’ultimo memorizzati automaticamente sul computer e rinviati automaticamente al server ad ogni successivo accesso al sito




Sede legale: Via Massimi, 154 – 00136 Roma Italy

Tel 0774 355590 – 0774 378635

Fax 0774 379924

e-mail :

PI: 01430811008 CF: 05672500583


Ricordiamo che è sempre possibile eliminare tutti i cookie installati nella cartella dei cookie del browser in utilizzo. Ciascun browser presenta procedure diverse per la gestione delle impostazioni relative alla gestione dei cookies; tramite i link sottostanti è possibile ottenere istruzioni specifiche per la gestione autonoma dei cookies sulla propria periferica.


Microsoft Windows Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Apple Safari

Adobe Flash Player


Di seguito, si riportano, i collegamenti alle informative/policy in materia, relative ai più comuni siti/social media:



Google Maps

Facebook Connect and Facebook plugins


Google Analytics

Twitter Microsoft

